May 10, 2012
Big Success for StarLink IT Security Roadshow 2012
Dubai, UAE 10th May 2012 – StarLink “Trusted Security Advisor” and the leading IT Security Compliance Driven Value Added Distributor once again raised the bar of quality customer service by delivering an impressive event catered to provide the best practices in securing access to sensitive data. It provided the perfect platform to analyze, combat current and future trends & threats in the IT Security Industry.
Dubbed as “StarLink IT Security Roadshow 2012”, the event was showcased last month in KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE and Oman along with its partnership with IBM Guardium,...
May 01, 2012
New Director of Business Strategy at StarLink
StarLink has appointed a new Director for its strategic growth plans across the region
Dubai, UAE May 1st, 2012 – StarLink the leading IT Compliance Driven Solution Value Added Distributor has a new Director of Business Strategy. Avinash Advani joined StarLink as Director – Business Strategy, to oversee the strategic expansion of StarLink’s geographical footprint, to enhance the company’s product portfolio, to further develop existing markets where the company is already present, and to drive continuous customer satisfaction initiatives.
Mr. Advani has most recently held the position of...
February 26, 2012
StarLink IT Security Roadshow
Dubai, UAE February 26th, 2012 - StarLink the leading IT Security Solutions Provider in the Middle East invites you to attend a half-day session to hear and gain analytical insights into current and future end-users trends, risks and threats within the IT Security Environment.
Best Practices for Securing Access to Sensitive Data:
- Boole Server - Military Grade File-Sharing Security Platform
- Quest Software - The Total Privileged Access Management (TPAM)
- NetOptics - Smart Filtering TAP Device
- IBM Guardium - DB Auditing and Monitoring for Security and Compliance
- SefeNet - The Data...
Partnership signed for the “Cool Vendor” product in Starlink head office in Dubai
Dubai, UAE – January 23rd, 2011 – Fluxer ME ltd announced today that Boole Server, which has been recognized as one of the 5 worldwide “Cool Vendors” by leading analyst firm Gartner, Inc., has signed a Master Distribution agreement with StarLink, the Middle East’s leading specialist Value Added Distributor.
“Boole Server, which provides companies a secure way to store, share, access and communicate data securely using military grade encryption, both within their network and beyond, is rapidly becoming a...
Resale agreement positions StarLink as a comprehensive solutions provider in the Middle Eastern Market
Dubai, UAE March 9th, 2010 – Net Optics, Inc., the global leader in intelligent network access solutions announced today the completion of a partnership with StarLink, of Dubai, UAE. The agreement builds on the success of past Net Optics reseller agreements. The enhanced partnership will enable StarLink customers to single source the full Net Optics portfolio when positioning compliance driven security solutions in the Middle East. The partnership covers the United Arab Emirates, Saudi...